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Freitag, 24. Januar 2025

Cool down but be smart - the PRO KLIMA filmlet

What do you know about mobile air conditioning (MAC) systems?

Over 90 percent of all new cars are equipped with air conditioning systems. They provide pleasant indoor temperatures and can enhance driving safety, especially in the summer. What most drivers do not know: The currently used refrigerant is extremely harmful to the climate. And for another reason air conditiong systems are anything but environmentally-friendly: MAC systems are powered by the engine and increase the vehicles’ fuel consumption by up to 2 litre per 100 km.

Discussion about future refrigerants

From January 2017, MAC systems of all new passenger cars must be equipped with a more environmentally-friendly refrigerant. Up to now, car industry has been implementing the EU requirements with the synthetical refrigerant R1234yf that proved to be dangerous in many tests. Already by early 2016, more than 700.000 cars in Germany were equippd with the flammable chemical.

But there is also positive news: The natural refrigerant CO2 is already used in more than 100 buses and first car makers use the climate-friendly alternative in luxury class cars.

Layman's Report: Results of the campaign PRO KLIMA

The campaign PRO KLIMA ended in late 2013. Our project report (Layman's Report) summarizes the major achievements of our awareness-raising activities in an easily understood way. Learn more about the background of the campaign and the different target groups addressed.

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