© S. Koriath (Pixelio.de)
Due to the EU-preconditions, the car industry is forced to use alternatives for the present climate damaging refrigerant R134a. The following refrigerants are up for discussion: the natural refrigerant CO2 and chemicals, for example 1234yf.
In the automobile sector, the natural refrigerant CO2 (carbon dioxide) represents an environmentally friendly alternative. All natural refrigerants are found in the cycles of matter in nature also without human impacts – therefore “natural”. The most meaningful in economic significance and successfully in the field for a long period of time are the natural refrigerants ammoniac and carbon dioxide, as well as propane, propene or isobutane. Due to their ecological sustainability, those systems are recommended as future competent refrigeration engineering. Natural refrigerants are unrivalled under climate aspects. The use of natural refrigerants also pays off under economic aspects. The refrigerants are very low-priced, which has a positive effect on the overheads under the aspects of the primary filling of a system and leakage. Beyond it, natural refrigerants are highly efficient and the system’s energy demand is accordingly low. In addition to that, the disposal is cost-effective.
The CO2-technique is already developed to the start of production. The German Environmental Agency has a VW-Touran outfitted with a CO2-MAC system in continuous operation for over a year. The technique is used in buses and stationary applications, too: The BVG carries out several CO2-air-conditioned urban buses in regular service as the worldwide first public transportation company since September of 2010.
Further advantages of the refrigerant CO2:
- Environmental protection: With a GWP of one, CO2 is more environmentally friendly as chemical alternatives and is comparatively simply disposed at the end of a car’s life.
- Sustainability: CO2 is extremely suitable for the operation in electric vehicles and can used contemporaneously as a heat pump.
- Safety: In case of an accident there is no additional danger by the refrigerant